Plan your visit
Frequently asked questions
A question ? We have the solution
How long does the visit last ?
Depending on the activities you're doing (pony, Aquapark, meeting goats and chickens, picnics on the parc...), you can stay there for the whole day. If you don't have a lot of time, the visit lasts about 2 hours.
When is the park opened ?
Let's find all the information you need on this page.
Where can I eat ? Is there a room when it's raining ?
You can choose between our terrasse or the different picnics tables everywhere in the park. However, there is no room to eat when it's raining.

Can I bring my own picnics ?
Of course :)

Do you have any facilities for babies and yound kids ?
In the Parc Animalier des Gorges de l’Ardèche, you can use a micro-wave, a baby-changing table (in the toilets), high chair and a pushchair. But we recommend a baby carrier.
Can I go to the park with my wheeling chair ?
Yes, however, the park is on a hill so you might need some help during the rises.
Can I move with my bike or my rollers ?
For the safety of the other visitors and our animals, no, you can't.
Can I come even if it's raining a lot ?
When it's raining too much or stormy, the park is closed. If you've already bought your tickets, you can come bak another day, sunnier :)
How long does the pony ride last ?
About 15 minutes.
What are the activities for school groups, activity centers and seminars ?
What to do if my child is lost ?
Talk first to one of our keeper. If one adult finds a lonely kids, go to the entrance of the park :)

How can I follow the news of the park
We don't have any newsletters yet but follow us on social media :
Facebook : Parc animalier des gorges de l’Ardèche
Instagram : @parcanimalier07

What are the accepted payments methods ?
Bank card, cash, cheque and ANCV.
Is the parking free ?
Yes :)
Do I have to pay for the pony ride ?
If your kid is 8 (or under), the entrance include the first pony ride route. If you want to do a second (or a third one), you'll have to pay 6€ the tour. Unfortunately, if your kid is 9 and more, you can't do the pony ride (our ponies are Shetland so very small animals).

What animals can I see in the park ?
We have over 200 animals of many different species on a 12 hectare park.
Among them are endangered species such as the Aurochs, Girgentana goats, Macau macaws, and much more.
You can also go to the encounter of quite unusual animals like woolly pigs, wallabys, sheep racka, as well as more common animals like dwarf goats, ponies, chickens...
To view the list of animals, please click on this link.
Can I feed the animals ?
Yes, but with specific rules.
Where do the animals come from ?
From different farms, other zoos and born on the park.
Can I see baby animals ?
Yes :)

Can I come with my dog ?
For our animal safety, dogs aren't accepted on the park (except for blind people).
Can I come with my van or motorbike ?
No problem
What are the accommodations nearby ?
You can find some campsite, hotels, gîte and bed and breakfast.
Does the park act for the sustainable development ?
The park aims at raise awareness among people about biodiversity and ecosystems. In 2020, we planted trees, put bins to recycle, used a compost and worked with local producers. If you'd like to know more, click here.