The park
What we want for the park
In the Parc Animalier des Gorges de l’Ardèche, we focus on three directions :
Share our love for the animals
Share moments with your family
Act for the sustainable development
Share our love for the animals to new generations
In the park, you can see some animals you've never seen. Through a conversation with our keepers and our posters, you can learn a lot about these animales. At some points of your visit, you can enter in runs to BE with the animals and take photos. Our animals (especially goats) are real cats and love meeting our visitors. The perfect time to enjoy moments with your children in a very calm and friendly environment. If you want, share your photos on social medias and use the hashtag #parcanimalier07
Share moments with each member of your family
Coming to the park also means create memories with your family. Have a walk along the alleys to admire the animals, meet them and take some photos. For you, the parents, grand-parents, uncles and ants, godmothers and godfathers, see your kids opening their eyes to a fascinating new world.
Some funny and recreational activites for encourage their curiosity ! Strokes with the goats ans the chicks, pony ride, animal tracks, games, the aquapark... Everything is planed and ready for your coming. You're kid will spend a good time with you at their sides. Discovering both France (Ardèche) and the animal heritage is a real priviledge than your kids will remember.
The educational route allows young and old alike to learn more about biodiversity and ecosystems. Through meetings with our keepers or reading the posters in the park, you can develop your kids' interests for nature, the animals and the planet protection. A learning in a calm and cosy place, reachable to everyone that can help your kids to be more autonomous.
Act for the sustainable development
To guarantee a safe future for our kids, we must act everyday for the planet. As a small company, our actions don't have any impact on monkeys in Africa or the coral barrier in Australia. However, we do our best to avec a ecoresponsive tack on the planet : sustanable development.
Since the beginning (2017), we try to work with local producers to participate to the local economy. Thus, you can be sure that the product Made in Ardèche are very qualitative. We work with fodder local producers (for our animals) and local producers for our grocery and shop. It's a local distribution network, so has its impact on the planet and guarantee an excellent price-quality ratio.

We try to keep a special link with our visitors and some members of our team. The animals are treated as human being and we welcome you in a cosy and friendly atmosphere.